FairPlay System (FPS) output Explanations  
Here are some clear explanatory pdf documents for Contest Officials, Pilots and all other FPS and ACRO users to help everyone to understand and 'de-code' the web and printed reports that ACRO provides.  
    A Short Guide to how the FairPlay System works  
    Processing the Marks: a thorough Review of CIVA's FairPlay System
    ACRO Pilots Raw Marks Check-Sheets
    ACRO Pilots FairPlay Processed Marks Sheets
    ACRO Individual Judge Sequence Analysis
    ACRO Overall Judge Analysis
  Output from ACRO to PDF  
  To include the code to output PDF within the ACRO software would considerably increase it's size, but a simple solution is to add a PDF output driver to your computer and "print" the ACRO document to it to make the PDF file that you want. There are many PDF print stream convertors available, the solutions below providing all the features you should need - note that we have no connection to these specialists, but have used both applications and found that they provide a good match to ACRO's print output options.  
    PDF-XChange Editor from Tracker Software PDF-XChange  
    PDF ReDirect from EXP Systems LLC PDF Redirect